Nrs Minor Gambling

2020-112 2020-09R: Notice of Hearing for Consideration of Proposed Amendments to NGC Reg 12.060 Regarding, Without Limitation, Redemption of Chips and Tokens. We are committed in our support of responsible gambling. Recommended bets are advised to over-18s and we strongly encourage readers to wager only what they can afford to lose. If you are concerned.

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  2. Nrs Minor Gambling Law
  3. Nrs Minor Gambling Laws
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  5. Nrs Minor Gambling Statute Of Limitations

Nevada Laws Pertaining To Consensual Sex and Mandatory Reporting

Can I get in trouble for allowing my child to be in a statutory rape relationship?

Yes. If you are a legal guardian of a child and allow them to be in a statutory rape relationship you can be considered complicit in the crime. In this case, Child Protective Services can take action against you for child abuse or neglect.

Research has shown statutory rape relationships are harmful to the younger person involved.

Romantic relationships play an important developmental role in adolescents’ lives. However, sexual relationships between young teens––particularly young teen women––and older individuals are associated with increased likelihood of engagement in risky sexual behaviors, and with poorer emotional health among adolescents. Among sexually experienced teens, having sex with someone who is older has been associated with less and/or inconsistent use of contraception, including condoms, and a greater risk of teen pregnancy and diagnosed STDs (sexually transmitted diseases). These risks may persist past adolescence. For example, one study found that having an older sexual partner during adolescence is linked to lower contraceptive use in adulthood. Research also finds that adolescent women with older sexual partners are more likely than women with same-age partners to report mental health problems and substance use.

Adolescent women who become sexually active at a young age are more likely to have an older sexual partner than are adolescent women who delay sex. Additionally, adolescent women who have older sexual partners disproportionately come from disadvantaged backgrounds, experience higher levels of family dysfunction, and have poorer parent-child relationships. Adolescent men who are in sexual relationships with older women also tend to come from disadvantaged backgrounds, although young men are more likely than adolescent women to identify these relationships as casual. Men in relationships with younger women are more likely to have criminal histories and lower levels of education, while women in relationships with younger men tend to have more emotional problems and a history of early sexual experience themselves.

Child Trends Databank. (2015). Statutory rape: Sex between young teens and older individuals. Available at:

NRS 432B.020 Abuse or neglect of a child means:

Physical or mental injury of a non-accidental nature; Sexual abuse or sexual exploitation; or Negligent treatment or maltreatment (as set forth in NRS 432B.140) of a child caused or allowed by a person responsible for the welfare of the child under circumstances which indicate that the child’s health or welfare is harmed or threatened with harm.

NRS 432B.140Negligent treatment or maltreatment means:

Negligent treatment or maltreatment of a child occurs if a child has been subjected to harmful behavior that is terrorizing, degrading, painful or emotionally traumatic, has been abandoned, is without proper care, control or supervision or lacks the subsistence, education, shelter, medical care or other care necessary for the well-being of the child because of the faults or habits of the person responsible for the welfare of the child or the neglect or refusal of the person to provide them when able to do so.

Who is required to make reports if child abuse and neglect?

In Nevada, Statutory Sexual Seduction and all other laws in the Statutory Rape On-Line Resource Center under the mandatory reporting of child abuse law.

NRS 432B.220 Any person who is described below and who, in his or her professional or occupational capacity, knows or has reasonable cause to believe that a child has been abused or neglected shall:

  • Report the abuse or neglect of the child to an agency which provides child welfare services or to a law enforcement agency; and
  • Make such a report as soon as reasonably practicable but not later than 24 hours after the person knows or has reasonable cause to believe that the child has been abused or neglected.

Mandated Reporters

  • A person providing services licensed or certified in this State pursuant to, without limitation:
    • Emergency Medical Services
    • Physicians, Physician Assistants, Medical Assistants
    • Perfusionists And Practitioners Of Respiratory Care
    • Homeopathic Physicians, Advanced Practitioners Of Homeopathy And Homeopathic Assistants
    • Dentistry And Dental Hygiene
    • Nursing
    • Osteopathic Medicine
    • Chiropractic Physicians And Chiropractors’ Assistants
    • Doctors Of Oriental Medicine
    • Podiatric Physicians And Podiatry Hygienists
    • Optometry, Dispensing Opticians
    • Audiologists
    • Speech-Language Pathologists And Hearing Aid Specialists
    • Pharmacists And Pharmacy
    • Physical Therapists, Physical Therapists’ Assistants And Physical Therapists’ Technicians
    • Occupational Therapists And Occupational Therapy Assistants
    • Athletic Trainers
    • Massage Therapists
    • Music Therapists
    • Dieticians
    • Psychologists
    • Behavior Analysts, Assistant Behavior Analysts And Autism Behavior Interventionists
    • Marriage And Family Therapists And Clinical Professional Counselors
    • Social Workers
    • Alcohol, Drug And Gambling Counselor
  • Any personnel of a medical facility who are engaged in the admission, examination, care or treatment of persons or an administrator, manager or other person in charge of such a medical facility upon notification of suspected abuse or neglect of a child by a member of the staff of the medical facility.
  • A coroner.
  • A member of the clergy, practitioner of Christian Science or religious healer, unless the person has acquired the knowledge of the abuse or neglect from the offender during a confession.
  • A person working in a school who is licensed or endorsed.
  • Any person who maintains or is employed by a facility or establishment that provides care for children, children’s camp or other public or private facility, institution or agency furnishing care to a child.
  • Any person licensed to conduct a foster home.
  • Any officer or employee of a law enforcement agency or an adult or juvenile probation officer.
  • An attorney.
  • Any person who maintains, is employed by or serves as a volunteer for an agency or service which advises persons regarding abuse or neglect of a child and refers them to persons and agencies where their requests and needs can be met.
  • Any person who is employed by or serves as a volunteer for a youth shelter.
  • Any adult person who is employed by an entity that provides organized activities for children.
How and when do I make a report of child abuse or neglect?

NRS 432B.230Method of making report:

  • A person may make a report pursuant to NRS 432B.220 (Mandatory Reporters) by telephone or, in light of all the surrounding facts and circumstances which are known or which reasonably should be known to the person at the time, by any other means of oral, written or electronic communication that a reasonable person would believe, under those facts and circumstances, is a reliable and swift means of communicating information to the person who receives the report. If the report is made orally, the person who receives the report must reduce it to writing as soon as reasonably practicable.
  • The report must contain the following information, if obtainable:
    • The name, address, age and sex of the child;
    • The name and address of the child’s parents or other person responsible for the care of the child;
    • The nature and extent of the abuse or neglect of the child, the effect of prenatal illegal substance abuse on the newborn infant or the nature of the withdrawal symptoms resulting from prenatal drug exposure of the newborn infant;
    • Any evidence of previously known or suspected:
      • (1) Abuse or neglect of the child or the child’s siblings; or
      • (2) Effects of prenatal illegal substance abuse on or evidence of withdrawal symptoms resulting from prenatal drug exposure of the newborn infant;
    • The name, address and relationship, if known, of the person who is alleged to have abused or neglected the child; and
    • Any other information known to the person making the report that the agency which provides child welfare services considers necessary.
My organization has a procedure that requires us to report child abuse to our supervisors, who will evaluate it and take further action, if necessary. Does this fulfill my child abuse reporting obligation?

No it does not. NRS 432B.220 specifies only two acceptable recipients for your child abuse report—a child protective services agency or a law enforcement agency. This process does not appear to meet the intent of the law. Unless your supervisor works for one of these agencies, this does not fulfill your reporting obligation.

We recommend making a report to the appropriate recipient and then informing your supervisor.

Who should I report to, law enforcement or child protective services when statutory rape is suspected?

Statutory rape is a crime and requires criminal investigation. In Nevada, child protective services concentrates on child abuse or neglect by individuals who are responsible for the care and protection of a child (NRS 432B.130). You are encouraged to send a copy of your written report to both law enforcement and child protective services to assure all parties have been informed. Additionally, if you believe parental neglect or abuse is in some way responsible for or contributing to the statutory rape, this should be reported to child protective services. If a caregiver covered under (NRS 432B.130) is not responsible or complicit in the statutory rape relationship, it is recommended that you make a primary report to law enforcement.

How do I know if a caregiver (NRS 432B.130) is complicit in the statutory rape relationship?

In your conversation with the young person, you can ask questions to elicit information such as: “Do your parents know about the relationship?” “How do your parents feel about your relationship?” If the parents are aware of the relationships and are apathetic or supportive, they would be considered complicit. This may warrant the involvement of child protective services.

There are several law enforcement agencies in my area. Which one should I report to?

The law enforcement agency having jurisdiction is the one where the offense was committed. If you know where the statutory rape occurred, report to that law enforcement agency. If you do not know where the statutory rape occurred, you may report to the one that has jurisdiction where you received the report. The law does not prevent you from reporting to more than one law enforcement agency.

Can I make a report to Child Protective Services or Law Enforcement anonymously?

Although you can make reports anonymously, it is important you provide your information in case there are follow up questions or new information arises.

Nrs Minor Gambling
I reported a case of statutory rape to the police and they didn’t do anything about it. What can I do to get a better response?

Ultimately, perusing criminal charges is up to the District Attorney’s office. If you made a report and nothing has been done, it may be that the DA has chosen not to pursue criminal charges. Some Nevada law enforcement agencies are better informed to statutory rape than others. The same is true of individual officers within the same department. You may wish to talk with a detective and ask for one who handles sex crimes or juvenile issues. Make the report to these types of officers.

If I make a report, is my legal obligation as a mandatory reporter fulfilled? What if nothing is done about my report?

If you have made a report, you have met your obligation as a mandatory reporter. It is critical that you document the report has been made, recording 1) Who you gave the report to- being as specific as you can 2) date and time the report was given 3) a concise description of what was reported. You should then follow any other policies your place of employment may have in place. If you obtain new/additional information about the report, it is important you update the agency in which you made a report.

What if I attempt to make a report to CPS and they will not take the report?

The law states a report must be made to the appropriate child welfare agency or law enforcement. If CPS does not take your report you should call your local law enforcement agency or the law enforcement agency in which the crime took place. If you feel the CPS worker was not completing their duties as an employee of CPS, you can call the local CPS office in your area and ask to speak to the office manager. The manager can take this concern as an educational opportunity. You can locate local offices through this link:

Why might CPS not take my report or not do anything with my report?

Although the law states a report must be made to the appropriate child welfare agency OR law enforcement, if a report does not involve child abuse or neglect by individuals who are responsible for the care and protection of a child (NRS 432B.130), CPS is not able to investigate the report. NRS 432B.130 states, persons responsible for child’s welfare are: A child’s parent, guardian, a stepparent with whom the child lives, an adult person continually or regularly found in the same household as the child, a public or private home, institution or facility where the child actually resides or is receiving care outside of the home for all or a portion of the day, or a person directly responsible or serving as a volunteer for or employed by such a home, institution or facility.

Nevada Specific Resources

Nrs Minor Gambling Losses

  • Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect (State of Nevada Division of Child and Family Services)

Additional Resources

  • Adolescent Sexual Behavior and the Law (The Crime Victims’ Institute)
  • Nevada “Statutory Rape” Laws (NRS 200.368) (Explained by Las Vegas Criminal Defense Lawyers)
  • State Legislators’ Handbook for Statutory Rape Issues (Office for Victims of Crime)

Dave Massey looks ahead to a fascinating card at Cheltenham on Friday and he's opposing one of the card's pin-ups with his very own stablemate.

Recommended bets, Friday November 13

1.5pts win On The Slopes in 1.50 Cheltenham at 10/3 (minimum price 3/1)

1pt win Paint The Dream in 2.25 Cheltenham at 25/1 (minimum price 16/1)

1pt e.w. Vino Royale in 3.00 Cheltenham at 16/1 (minimum price 12/1)

For details of advised bookmakers and each-way terms, visit our transparenttipping record

Slopes to have ‘em on the ropes - 1.50 Cheltenham

A really competitive handicap, but we (Rory Delargy and myself) both looked at the race independently and came to the conclusion that On The Slopes ought to be favourite for this, so at the current prices rates a bet.

Progressive throughout last year, his third in the Timeform Novices’ Chase, when beaten by Simply The Betts and Imperial Aura, is a very strong piece of handicap form, and it was no surprise he was able to win a couple of competitive handicaps at Kempton off the back of it.

Where we do slightly disagree is over the merit of his fifth here last time out. Rory still has concerns that the final hill might just be finding him out, but I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt at present, and am of the opinion he needed the run and no more than that. We’ll know more after this, but he remains an exciting prospect for the season as things stand.

Can’t gloss over the price - 2.25 Cheltenham

Another race we both looked at before our usual cheery morning chat, and we both are of the opinion that the prices look wrong. It’s not quite Eric Morecambe “all the right horses, but not necessarily in the right order” territory, but the four ought to be closer in the betting than they are.

We don’t think there’s much between the four at all at the weights, and that means we have to back the one we think is most out of line. That’s Paint The Dream, who we would have nearer 8/1 than 18s on his Dipper second, and that’s not his only good effort either.

Far from disgraced behind Grand Sancy at Chepstow, he traded odds-on in running at Stratford last time before succumbing to the progressive Happygolucky in the closing stages.

There’s enough there, getting 8lb off Southfield Stone and 5lb from Protektorat, to make you believe he’s got chances of upsetting the applecart. Getting him out in front and into a rhythm is going to be key, as there’s a chance all four might want to go forward, but if Connor Brace can, then it’s very much game on.

Vino Royale - 3.00 Cheltenham

Easysland looks by far the likeliest winner of the Glenfarclas Cross Country Handicap, but we suspect that Tiger Roll may be some way off his peak, despite having had a pipe-opener on the Flat recently. Given they dominate the market, that means there’s some scope for an each-way bet.

One who appeals at the prices is the 2017 winner Kingswell Theatre who needs fast ground, and never had conditions to suit last year, so it would be dangerous to assume he’s regressed to the degree his handicap mark would suggest.

Kingswell Theatre actually started favourite for this race last year despite the soft ground, and with conditions more suitable this time around, I think early quotes of 33/1 are too big, even if he’s only playing for a place in realistic terms. Tiger Roll won’t be knocked about with bigger targets in the spring, and Potters Corner is a mudlark with no experience of the Cross-Country discipline.

The other horse who makes plenty of appeal at the prices is the favourite’s stable-companion Vino Royale, who has a similar profile to the one Easysland brought here last year, as a five-year-old who has switched early to Cross-Country events, and who is very hard for the handicapper to get a handle on at this stage.

Unlike Easysland, however, whose form is all on very soft ground, Vino Royale has shown his best form on a lively surface, and has two wins to his name on good to firm ground.

Nrs Minor Gambling Law

There’s a genuine chance that this youngster has the ability to win in receipt of so much weight, and that sways the verdict in his favour. It’s worth remembering that Emmanuel Clayeux won this with his supposed second string last year, and David Cottin is surely not simply bringing Vino Royale over to keep his odds-on favourite company.

Polish up his jumping - 3.35 Cheltenham

It’s easy to argue that Polish is a bit overpriced on his 5¾l third to Streets Of Doyen here last time out, a remarkable effort when you consider how many hurdles he met wrong and made mistakes at.

That’s form that would put him in the firing line here, but his hurdling has to be a worry. If they have done some intensive schooling with him and it improves, he can be given a chance at a double figure price here, but for us, he doesn’t quite make the cut for a bet today.

King can rule - 4.05 Cheltenham

Nrs Minor Gambling Laws

Standing in the paddock for the Champion Bumper last year, I saw plenty of racy, athletic types but the one I decided I wanted for the future was One True King, a really solid, scopey sort that I’m sure will do even better again over fences. It’s therefore pleasing to see that he’s already starting to get his act together over hurdles after just a few starts, and after his C&D effort when second to another potentially well-handicapped sort in Tegerek, I see no reason to desert him here.

For a big horse, his hurdling technique has been very sharp. That was evident when he scored form the front at Uttoxeter two starts ago and again last time, when along with Tegerek, he pulled well clear of the rest, the form backed up by the speed figure.

After a quiet October by his own standards, it would appear the Twiston-Davies yard are finding some form, with three winners and three placed from his last 10, and that increases confidence that One True King can again run his race under conditions that suit. There may be one or two plotted up for this, which is a minor worry, but it’s hard to envisage him out of the frame if in the same form as last time, and he looks solid each way.

Sadly, since the time of writing, the price has gone somewhat, and we’d want a minimum of 13/2 if we were backing it each-way, especially with most of the firms going five places and 1/5th of the odds.

Posted at 1800 on 12/11/20

Responsible gambling

Nrs Minor Gambling

We are committed in our support of responsible gambling. Recommended bets are advised to over-18s and we strongly encourage readers to wager only what they can afford to lose.

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