Learn Poker Strategy Online

Starting with Opening Hands. The hands that you choose to go into battle with in Texas Hold’em are. Online poker is played considerably faster when compared to live poker, and those who prefer online poker will find live poker extremely slow and too tedious to tolerate. In live poker, you will be dealt between 25 and 35 hands every hour, whereas with online poker.

Playing poker online bears many similarities to playing in a home-game or in a brick and mortar casino. After all, you’re still playing the same game, with the same rules, hoping to end your session with a profit. However, there are a couple of differences in terms of online poker strategy that should not be underestimated.

The most obvious disparity is the lack of any kind of visual ‘tells’ from your opponents that you can base your decisions on. However, not being able to see the other players at the table doesn’t mean there aren’t any tells through which you can obtain information about their hands. One of these tells is the speed with which a player bets. A quick bet is usually a sign for a rather strong hand, while a delayed bet often indicates that the player is pretending to think about how to make the most of his ‘monster hand’. The use of ‘auto-play’ boxes, with which you can pre-select an action before it is your turn to act, can also tell you a lot about your opponent’s hand. If, for example, the big blind immediately checks his hand preflop, you can assume he already checked the ‘check/fold’ button, indicating he had no interest in calling any sort of raise with his weak hand. On the other hand, a player using the ‘raise any’ box seems to be very confident about the cards in his hand. Following what is going on in the chat box at your table can also give you a good idea about which player is currently on tilt and their emotional state in general.

A great advantage of playing poker online is the vast number of tables you can choose from, which means you can be very selective as to where you choose to play. Many players will automatically go for the tables with the largest average pots, thinking this is where they can make the most money, but that is seldom the case. Large average pots often indicate that many players stay in the pot until the showdown, meaning that bluffing will rarely be successful and more often than not, you will need the best hand to win the pot. A good average pot size would be around 8-10 x the big blind, so for a $0.10/$0.20 table, that would be around $2. Preferably, you’ll also want to have 1 or 2 loose players and 1 or 2 tight players at your table, giving you more options to mix up your playing style.

The speed of the game in online poker is something that players may need to get used to at first. While at a live casino table you may see around 20 hands an hour, at the virtual tables this number can easily surpass 100. The advantage of this is that you won’t get bored too quickly while waiting for a good hand to play and won’t be tempted to call with mediocre cards simply to get some action. The option to play at more than one table at a time amplifies this advantage even more, especially when playing tournaments and/or Sit & Go’s, where a tight hand-selection is the key to success. PokerStars is often cited as being the best room for multi-tabling, not only due to their huge selection of games, but also thanks to their superior software that allows you to play at as many tables at once as you can physically handle.

Here is an example of someone playing a whopping 51 tables at a time on PokerStars:

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The aim of this poker strategy guide is to teach you how to really win at poker. There are lots of poker strategy websites out there, but it seems like most of them just regurgitate the same old, tired principles time after time. Instead, I will explain to you what it truly takes to win.

Best Online Poker Strategy

If you’re new to poker, don’t worry; I’m still going cover all the fundamentals you need to know. But I’m going to do it in a way that makes sense and that makes it easy to apply to real money poker games. I can still remember what it was like getting started as new players, back when terms like “expected value” and “reverse implied odds” sounded like gibberish.

As this poker strategy guide progresses, we will delve into more and more advanced topics. These topics, however, will be explained in a down-to-earth manner with the goal of making it as easy to comprehend as possible. As you will come to find out, many “complicated” poker concepts aren’t actually so complicated after all.

No Limit Ring Games

This part of BestOnlineGambling.com is devoted purely to no limit Holdem ring games. I’ll be adding a tournament section soon, but let’s begin now with no limit ring games. This guide is divided up by topics for your browsing pleasure.

Some of these topics are very basic and others are a little more advanced. Feel free to check out any section or just read through the whole poker strategy guide from start to finish.

No Limit Tournament Strategy

This section is devoted purely to no limit Holdem tournaments. Tournaments are popular among novices, and that means there is some easy money to be made. The thing about poker tournaments is that even if you are a great tournament player, you can experience long dry stretches between major tournament wins.

The good news is that if you learn proper poker tournament strategy and stick with it, you’ll come out victorious in the long run. Both online and live tournaments can be used to make a lot of money. It just requires patience, dedication and an intimate knowledge of poker tournament strategy.

  • Introduction to No Limit Tournaments
  • Bankroll Management for Poker Tournaments
  • Early Stage Tournament Strategy
  • Middle Stage Tournament Strategy
  • Late State Tournament Strategy
  • Building a Chip Stack
  • Playing for First Place
  • Dealing with Bad Beats

Winning Online Poker Strategy

Strategy Resources

Online Poker Strategy Guide

BestOnlineGambling.com is hardly the only place to go for poker strategy. There are many websites, books, DVDs and training courses out there for you to study even more poker information. Make sure you check out a few different resources for poker strategy. Everyone has their own take on the game, and there is a lot of great information out there.


One of the best places to get great poker strategy are online poker forums. Poker forums let real poker players meet up, discuss strategy, analyze hands and talk shop. Some of the internet’s biggest winners in poker learned nearly everything they know by participating in discussion forums.

How To Learn Poker


Two online poker forums that stand out specifically include:

Learn Poker Strategy Online Course

There are also some pretty solid poker strategy websites out there. You will have to sort through a lot of junk, though, because many “poker strategy” websites are thin on content and simply regurgitate the same old junk you can find anywhere. Here are a couple of solid strategy websites: